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Best Natural Remedies for Headaches

Writer's picture: Brittany MajorBrittany Major

Updated: Oct 28, 2024

If you're someone who deals with headaches and is curious about natural options, this post is definitely for you! Whether you're struggling with chronic headaches or just getting them occasionally, I know firsthand how frustrating they can be. For years, I suffered from chronic headaches and while I was on the hunt to figure out what was causing them, I needed some daily relief instead of popping ibuprofen every single day and wrecking havoc on my body. Sometimes, it’s the only thing that’ll work, but I’m still shocked at how many times I’ve been able to avoid using those more invasive methods because my natural remedies actually worked! And I’m here to share my favorites that are much kinder and gentler on your body

1. Exercise

This might sound a bit surprising, but exercise can be a really helpful remedy for headaches, but probably if you catch them early enough. I totally understand that if you're dealing with a full-blown migraine, exercise is likely the last thing you can handle. But when my headaches were mild or just starting, I found that a good workout often helped relieve them.

When I was teaching, I would often get a headache toward the end of the day, but I had already planned to go to a workout class at the YMCA. There were several times when I thought about skipping the workout, but I went anyway—and after the class, my headache was gone! Exercise releases natural endorphins, which act as a natural pain reliever. If your headache isn’t too severe, getting your body moving and heart rate pumping might be exactly what you need.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil

If you don't have peppermint essential oil yet, this is a must-have in your natural remedy kit! I always carry peppermint oil or a deep-relief roller with me because it's quick, easy, and portable—perfect for on-the-go relief.

Peppermint oil can be used in several ways: you can place a drop under your tongue, or put a few drops on your thumb and press it to the roof of your mouth for 30 seconds (I usually do both because I’m a recovering overachiever). You can also roll it on your temples, forehead, and the back of your neck, but be careful to avoid your eyes! The cooling sensation and scent of peppermint oil are soothing and can help reduce the intensity of a headache. Peppermint is strong, so I always have some water nearby to drink afterwards too! If you’re at home, try diffusing peppermint and frankincense together. It smells amazing, and the combination is known as the headache combo. 

3. Acupuncture or Acupressure

This is something that I don’t have much experience with. Right about the time I was looking into this, I started figuring out a root cause for my headache and stopped pursuing this option. Although I didn’t personally use acupuncture during my headache journey, I've heard great things about it from others who found relief. It’s worth looking into if you’re open to alternative treatments, and many places offer affordable options, or might be able to direct you to an affordable place.

Additionally, there are acupuncture mats you can use at home, such as a Pranamat, which I bought but have only used a handful of times so I can't share much about my experience with it. 

4. Caffeine

Yes, caffeine! Remember, we’re talking short-term relief options, I would not recommend this as a long-term plan lol. While it may seem counterintuitive, caffeine can actually help alleviate headaches—especially if they’re related to withdrawal or fatigue. I’m not a coffee drinker myself, but sometimes I notice a headache coming on when I’ve had too much chocolate (LOL revealing my cravings) and then suddenly cut back.

Since I don’t drink coffee, I will sometimes grab a Bai drink (many of the flavors have the same amount of caffeine as a cup of tea), or another drink that has caffeine in it. 

5. Chiropractic Care

This one is a game-changer for me! I’ve been to many chiropractors over the years, and I can tell you that regular adjustments can make a huge difference in headache relief. Sometimes, headaches are caused by tension in the neck or spine. A good chiropractic adjustment can “unkink the hose,” so to speak, and allow everything to flow properly again.

There have been times where I went into the chiropractor with a headache and left with it completely gone. And even if the headache didn’t go away immediately, consistent chiropractic care has been really helpful for me in reducing the frequency and intensity of my headaches (even if it's every 3-6 months due to costs). If cost is a concern for you too, ask your chiropractor for recommendations on more affordable options.

6. At- Home Massage

Okay listen if I had $100 to get a masssage once a month, I would probably get them twice a month ツ Since I don't, I've tried to get creative. I have to say that this $60 Neck and Shoulder Massager that I use at home seriously impresses me and actually helps tremendously! I will use it while I'm sitting in a chair or on the couch and pull it down so it really digs into my back and I'm telling ya, I feel pretty sore the next day, just like if I were to get a deep tissue massage. Sometimes those headaches are just from a lot of tension in our necks and shoulders, and when all else fails, I'll remember to bust this out, and my headaches seem to go away again.

Everyone is different!

While these remedies helped me tremendously, it’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different. What works for one person may not work for another. And on top of that, one day a rememdymight work for me, and the next week, it won't. Headaches are so complex and that's why I have shared such a variety of natural rememdies. Keep exploring natural options and listening to your body as you work on identifying the root causes of your headaches.

Being able to use the least invasive methods first is why I try these first. Start with natural remedies like these, and then resort to other treatments, if necessary. But if your headache went away after using some peppermint oil and you don't have to take anythig more, I'd call that a HUGE win! And ultimately, the goal is to find those root causes in the meantime and heal your body so that you can be proactive and hopefully prevent headaches in the first place! That's always my goal anyways. :)

Have you tried any of these remedies? Do you have other natural solutions that have worked for you? I'd love to hear your experiences in the comments!

Much love + I'm rooting for you,

Brittany ♡


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